Gettin' Out is a publication designed to show off our local area and local people. That being said, we need your stories about hunting, fishing, hiking, camping and many other outdoor adventures. Here are a few tips and suggestions when submitting your story.
First, a picture is worth a thousand words. Pictures need to be at least 1mb but we would prefer 2mb and larger. Photos of your animal, fish or landscapes need to be respectable to the wildlife. For example, lots of blood and "riding" the animal photos will not be published. Aside from the after the catch or kill photos, we need pictures of the surrounding area where you enjoyed your great adventure. This will help your chances of having your story published.
Next, a good story. Try to make it entertaining for the readers. Tell us about anything unique that happened on the trip that stands out to you. Be descriptive of how you felt when it all came together, or even when it fell apart. We are looking for real life stories without exagerations. We are not necessarily looking for huge animals or big fish, just good fun stories. If you have any advice, feel free to give it. Of course we will do some editing on our end to make sure it sounds alright and the content is sound, but we will try to keep it as unchanged as possible.
There is no guarantee that your story will make it to the final cut, but don't get discouraged. If it doesn't fit one issue, it may fit one of the following publications. So we will keep many on file for later issues.
Keep your camera handy and be thinking about your upcoming adventures, you just might see yourself on the cover of Gettin' Out.
Email your stories and photos to, please keep the story and photos in seperate emails while you may make suggestions on where to put the photos, do not place them yourself prior to sending the article in, that just makes it harder for us.